We have always believed in promoting from within and most of our managers have worked their way up. At a budget meeting two years ago, our Admin Manager stood up and told the room that she had joined the company exactly thirteen years before as a cashier. She was seventeen years old and the factory she had gone to work in when she left school at sixteen had just closed. Her next words were: "I am now the Admin Manager looking after 86 people. If I can do it so can you!" The journey for her was not always easy but we worked with her to get her standing proudly in front of the company. We work with all our managers to help them become their best as they are the spine of our company. They are responsible on a day to day basis for the efficient functioning of each of their sites. We are inordinately proud of them in normal situations but it is in crisis mode that they have absolutely shone. I want to thank them all for learning, continually asking questions and not giving into fear in the journey to become the managers we always knew they would be.

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